Recording "On Vinyl"

In case you’ve missed my relentless social media posts, I am currently raising money to record an album!

On Vinyl will be a recorded studio album based off the sold out solo shows "On Vinyl" and "B-side", featuring our favorite 70's songs with Michael Holland's incredible arrangements of songs including: At Seventeen, Easy, Don't Cry Out Loud, As, Poetry Man, Dream On, Life On Mars and more! We are seeking your help in reaching our funding goal. Every little bit helps!

We set a very modest goal of $12,000. But if we can exceed this initial goal. we can make a more interesting (read:better) album: More instruments, more vocals, more 70’s style studio tricks and possibly even more songs. It’s also our hope to do a limited edition vinyl print of the record which would be super cool. But we can only do that if we surpass our goal.

To donate, visit:

While any size donation helps, donations starting at $25 come with perks! There are opportunities for social media shoutouts, signed CD’s, and exclusive content at different levels to say thank you for your support and contribution.

If you have friends, family, or colleagues who think of themselves as Farah Alvin fans, share this campaign!

Thank you so much for your support, both in contributions and in getting the word out.

I can’t wait to make this album with you!

Farah Alvin